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Hello! Welcome to my Personal Website.

My name is Ksenia Romanova. I am a student leader and aspiring business student at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton. I am hoping to study Quantum Finance, in the meantime I am passionate about leadership, art, history and philosophy. I am an active persona specializing in multiple sports including swimming for 8 years and tennis for 2 years. I am extremely intrigued with various cultures and languages which has led me to become fluent in two languages, English and Russian, and proficient in two more, Spanish and Mandarin.


My current studies have led me to become a research assistant for Assessing Port Operability Levels during Potential Sea Level Rise Scenarios using a GIS-Based Approach to Support the Planning Efforts of Port Administrators: A Case Study of Port Everglades. This research is aimed to be published in the Journal of Marine Science and Engineering by February 2024.



Here is a link to my Resume.

Here is a link to my CV.

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